5 Minutes with Judy Jay


JUDY JAY is a Deep House DJ that has recently dropped an amazing body of work titled After the Storm, and she is from a small village called Tjetane, in Limpopo. Her passion and love for music have opened doors for her making her a resident DJ at a few event places and radio stations.

Let us start this off by asking: Who is Judy Jay and what does she dream about?
Judy Jay is a girl that hails from a very humble beginning. Raised by my grandmother who did her best to teach me everything I need to know growing up from respect, kindness and humility. Growing up I did not have much I dreamt of because of the environment I grew up in. However when music came into my life it all became clearer and clearer. Since then my dreams have been coming true as my career as a DJ grows. And ultimately I would love to see myself playing the world stage.

When did you discover that you have passion for music?
Music has always been a calling for me. It was just a matter of time till realized that this is what I would love to do on a professional level. I was only 16 when the music bug bit me

How would you describe your DJing style?
I am most comfortable with playing ambient sounds and this is where my career kicked off. Lately I am enjoying what the local producers are creating and this is the direction most of my sets have taken.

So, what was the creative process of creating After the Storm like?
After The Storm at 1st was supposed to be an E.P. with no more than 4 tracks and then one day I woke and decided that I would love push this project and make it a full on album. This decision was a no brainer because I knew I could do it. Creative wise I decided to invite most of my Producer friends in the industry to become part of it and fortunately most of them agreed. I will not lie it has not been easy and about 3 month into the project I decided to bring my Dad who is also my manager to become part of the project. This was one the best decisions I made as he brought a whole new creative dynamic to the album. His guidance really helped make this project a reality.

What, would you say, your purpose is with DJing? What are you trying to achieve?
As a DJ at 1st it started out as a hobby till I realized that one can make a living out of music. At 1st it was all fun and games and today it is all about being professional and growing myself as a DJ and hopefully one day a bankable asset within the creative space.

Since you got into the entertainment industry, what are some of the challenges you have faced and how did you overcome them?
Focus is one word that I made my motto at a very young age and I have live by it for so long. However in this industry I face challenges like promoter taking advantage of me by underpaying or asking me to perform free of charge to facing difficulty with travelling to gigs. But ever since my manager came into the picture he made sure that I no longer stress about such.

As a DJ what are your thoughts on the music climate in SA right?
In all honesty there is so much talent in South Africa currently however it is not getting the exposure they deserve. It has been like this for years, however I believe that change for the better will happen soon. For now the amaPiano genre will continue to dominate till then. What else do you have going on for you that you think people will be excited about? Well I am plenty of projects in the pipeline and I can’t disclose much right now however, they are truly exciting and can’t wait to share.

Let us talk about your Sportscene Radio set, how was the reception in-store and online?
Wow the experience was out of this world. The photographers, to the reception and vibe in store from everyone who was in the store. If I had the chance to do it again I would do it more than 10x over. I was truly free and in my element. The 2 hour set felt like 30 minutes.

Lastly what did they enjoy most about your Sportscene Radio experience?
Well the radio experience is currently in its early stages and I am learning more and more on a daily basis. I can’t disclose much about it now about it however all I can say is that I am looking forward to it and I am so grateful for all the opportunities I have been getting and I do not take them for granted.